Eveline Sigl Rocha Torrez: De la calle a la Web 2.0. La danza del altiplano boliviano como generadora de identidad y etnicidad. Un estudio ciberantropológico

Abstract. − In colonial times, the dances of the Bolivian Altiplano that accompany religious processions (danzas de entrada) were important expressions of the indigenous identity and resistance against the Spanish domination. In the second half of the 20th century, they became an element of mass culture, especially in relation to the nation-building process in post-revolutionary Bolivia. Moreover, due to the phenomena of migration and globalization, as well as the development of new means of communication, today those dances are present in the World Wide Web, in the form of various webpages, blogs, and on portals of social networking, such as Facebook, Orkut, MySpace. One can also find about 5,000 relevant videos on YouTube. The article summarizes the results of a cyberanthropological research concerning relations between the dances of the Altiplano and the cultural identity of Bolivian migrants worldwide. [Bolivian identity, ethnicity, cyberanthropology, Web 2.0, YouTube, social networking sites]