Isabelle Combès: Pai Sumé, el Rey Blanco y el Paititi

Abstract. − Before the European arrival in South America, Guarani groups migrated massively from the Atlantic coast and Paraguay towards the west, searching both for Andean metal and the legendary “land without evil.” Though a significant number settled in the Andean foothills, others continued moving northwards. These Guarani acted as guides to the Spaniards from Santa Cruz who actively were searching for Mojos or Paititi, a fabulous land known by accounts that came from Peru. The article suggests a correspondence between the famous “White King” and the Guarani hero Pai Sumé and between his western kingdom and Paititi. It also shows that Pai Sumé’s journey closely resembles Guarani migration to the west. Andean knowledge of Paititi, on the other hand, is a further element that denies the impermeability of frontiers between South American highlands and lowlands. [Paraguay, Guarani, White King, Paititi, Pai Sumé, Saint Thomas, Tupi-Guarani migrations]