Milène C. Rossi: Massue. Son utilisation et son rôle dans la Polynésie contemporaine (Nouvelle-Zélande et Samoa) 513 – 524

Abstract. – The aim of this article is to analyse the way the club is used in Polynesian societies of the 20th and 21st centuries. Due to the large scale of this topic, we will focus chronologically on the time frame from the sixties to the present; geographically we will analyse examples from New Zealand and the Samoa Islands. We will explore the club’s uses, firstly, in a prestigious and rhetorical context (New Zealand), secondly in an artistical and ritual one (Samoa), and thirdly in a warlike one (New Zealand). We will ask ourselves how the role of this very important object for the traditional Polynesian societies has changed to adapt to a contemporary society. [Polynesia, Samoa, New Zealand, club, material culture, traditional societies, cultural revival]