Daniel Grana-Behrens: Mit Descartes gegen Descartes. Zur Theorie von den Sichtweisen auf die Formen der Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und Nichtmenschen bei Philippe Descola

Abstract. – Philippe Descola’s theory of different perceptions structuring the relations between humans and nonhumans and based on phylogenetic dispositions is moulded by the interplay of ontogenesis, collective practices, and prevailing value systems. He succeeds in processing the cartesian dichotomy between nature and culture in favor of alternative ontologies and abandoning the cultural view in favor of a uniform nature. His outcome is traced back to the most important anthropological, cognitive, and philosophical principles, and subsequent consequences and possibilities for anthropological studies are explored in response and anticipation of how humans and nonhumans including anorganic entities may cohabit in the future. [nature, ontology, humans, nonhumans, anthropocentrism, cognitive anthropology, risk management]