
Reports and Comments

Henryk Hoffmann: Ethno-Religious Studies by Professor Henryk Zimón, SVD 173–179

Louis D’Silva and Sebastian M. Michael, SVD: Professor Dr. John Vincent Ferreira (1922–2010) 179–180

Jürgen Wasim Frembgen: Itinerary Ear-Cleaners. Notes on a Marginal Profession in Urban Muslim Punjab 180–184

Roy Dilley: Daaira, Devotional Acts, and the Transformation of Space in Senegal, West Africa 185–192

Georg Schifko: Gedanken zu einem Werbeplakat mit einem “tätowierten” Maori als Motiv Ein Beitrag zur europäischen Repräsentation der Indigenen Neuseelands 192–196

Hans Reithofer: Sorcery, Witchcraft, and Christianity in Papua New Guinea. A Review Essay 196–200

Anna Kapusta and Agnieszka Pózniak: The Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska Objectified in a Religious and in a Village Community. The Case of Rybno 200–207

Barbara Peveling: Reserves and Mediterranean Niches in Marseille. The Meaning of Patron-Client Relations, Cultural Memories, and Innovations 207–211

Govindasamy Agoramoorthy and Minna J. Hsu: Ancient Hindu Scriptures Show Ways to Mitigate Global Warming through Responsible Action 211–216


Book Reviews

Abushouk, Ahmed Ibrahim, and Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim (eds.): The Hadhrami Diaspora in Southeast Asia. Identity Maintenance or Assimilation? (Holger Warnk) 217

Aguilar, Filomeno V. Jr.: Maalwang Buhay. Family, Overseas Migration, and Cultures of Relatedness in Barangay Paraiso (Simone Christ) 219

Alia, Valerie: The New Media Nation. Indigenous Peoples and Global Communication (Edmund Searles) 220

Altner, Diana: Die Verkleinerung der Yakhautboote. Fischerkulturen in Zentral- und Südtibet im sozioökonomischen Wandel des modernen China (Veronika Ronge) 221

Babidge, Sally: Aboriginal Family and the State. The Conditions of History (Tess Lea) 222

Baumgärtner, Esther: Lokalität und kulturelle Heterogenität. Selbstverortung und Identität in der multi-ethnischen Stadt (Astrid Wonneberger) 224

Bird, S. Elizabeth (ed.): The Anthropology of News and Journalism. Global Perspectives (Amrita Ibrahim) 225

Blanchy, Sophie: Maisons des femmes, cités des hommes. Filiation, âge et pouvoir à Ngazidja (Comores) (Jacek Jan Pawlik) 227

Der Brockhaus Mythologie. Die Welt der Götter, Helden und Mythen (Brigitte Wiesenbauer) 228

Bulkeley, Kelly, Kate Adams, and Patricia M. Davis (eds.): Dreaming in Christianity and Islam. Culture, Conflict, and Creativity (Elizabeth Sirriyeh) 229

Carrier, James G., and Paige West (eds.): Virtualism, Governance, and Practice. Vision and Execution in Environmental Conservation (Pamela McElwee) 230

Combès, Isabelle: Diccionario étnico. Santa Cruz la Vieja y su entorno en el siglo XVI (Diego Villar) 231

Courtens, Ien: Restoring the Balance. Performing Healing in West Papua (Sarah Hewat) 232

Crate, Susan A., and Mark Nuttall (eds.): Anthropology and Climate Change. From Encounters to Actions (Lioba Rossbach de Olmos) 233

Daboo, Jerri: Ritual, Rapture, and Remorse. A Study of Tarantism and Pizzica in Salento (Stephanie Malia Hom) 235

Daniels, Timothy: Islamic Spectrum in Java (Jörgen Hellman) 236

Deimel, Claus, Sebastian Lentz und Bernhard Streck (Hrsg.): Auf der Suche nach Vielfalt. Ethnographie und Geographie in Leipzig (Dominik Collet) 238

Dilger, Hansjörg, und Bernhard Hadolt (Hrsg.): Medizin im Kontext. Krankheit und Gesundheit in einer vernetzten Welt (Verena Keck) 240

Everett, Daniel: Das glücklichste Volk. Sieben Jahre bei den Pirahã-Indianern am Amazonas (Ulrike Prinz) 242

Farrer, D. S.: Shadows of the Prophet. Martial Arts and Sufi Mysticism (Edwin Wieringa) 243

Fine-Dare, Kathleen S., and Steven L. Rubenstein (eds.): Border Crossings. Transnational Americanist Anthropology (Frances Rothstein) 244

Gesch, Patrick F. (ed.): Mission and Violence. Healing the Lasting Damage (Joachim G. Piepke) 244

Grätz, Tilo: Goldgräber in Westafrika (Sascha Kesseler) 246

Gunsenheimer, Antje, Tsubasa Okoshi Harada, and John F. Chuchiak (eds.): Text and Context. Yucatec Maya Literature in a Diachronic Perspective – Texto y contexto. La literatura maya yucateca en perspectiva diacrónica (Timothy Knowlton) 247

Hammar, Lawrence James: Sin, Sex, and Stigma. A Pacific Response to HIV and AIDS (Katarina Greifeld) 249

Haug, Michaela: Poverty and Decentralisation in East Kalimantan. The Impact of Regional Autonomy on Dayak Benuaq Wellbeing (Laurens Bakker) 250

Hermkens, Anna-Karina, Willy Jansen, and Catrien Notermans (eds.): Moved by Mary. The Power of Pilgrimage in the Modern World (Ellen Badone) 251

Holtzman, Jon: Uncertain Tastes. Memory, Ambivalence, and the Politics of Eating in Samburu, Northern Kenya (T. O. Beidelman) 253

Hornborg, Anne-Christine: Mi’kmaq Landscapes. From Animism to Sacred Ecology (Angela Robinson) 255

Hüwelmeier, Gertrud, and Kristine Krause (eds.): Traveling Spirits. Migrants, Markets, and Mobilities (Maria Six-Hohenbalken) 256

Hutter, Manfred: Handbuch Bahā’ī. Geschichte – Theologie – Gesellschaftsbezug (Oliver Scharbrodt) 257

Jacobsen, Frode F.: Hadrami Arabs in Present-Day Indonesia. An Indonesia-Oriented Group with an Arab Signature (Holger Warnk) 217

Jahn, Wiegand: Freundschaft und Macht. Eine Fallstudie aus Indus Kohistan / Nordpakistan (Jürgen Wasim Frembgen) 258

Jedamski, Doris (ed.): Chewing Over the West. Occidental Narratives in Non-Western Readings (Edwin Wieringa) 260

Jenkins, Philip: The New Faces of Christianity. Believing the Bible in the Global South (Andrzej Bronk) 261

Johnson, Leslie Main, and Eugene S. Hunt (eds.): Landscape Ethnoecology. Concepts of Biotic and Physical Space (David G. Anderson) 264

Juhé-Beaulaton, Dominique (éd.): Forêts sacrées et sanctuaires boisés. Des créations culturelles et biologiques (Burkina Faso, Togo, Bénin) (Katrin Langewiesche) 265

Juris, Jeffrey S.: Networking Futures. The Movements against Corporate Globalization (Thomas Olesen) 267

Kapferer, Bruce, and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (eds.): Crisis of the State. War and Social Upheaval (Finn Stepputat) 268

Kohl, Ines: Beautiful Modern Nomads. Bordercrossing Tuareg between Niger, Algeria, and Libya (Susan J. Rasmussen) 269

Kürti, László, and Peter Skalník (eds.): Postsocialist Europe. Anthropological Perspectives from Home (Anna Fournier) 270

Kumase, Wokia-azi Ndangle: Aspects of Poverty and Inequality in Cameroon (Godula Kosack) 271

Kupisiński, Zdzisław: Śmierć jako wydarzenie eschatyczne. Zwyczaje, obrzędy i wierzenia pogrzebowe oraz zaduszkowe mieszkańców regionu opoczyńskiego i radomskiego. [Death as an Eschatological Experience. Funeral Customs, Rituals, and Beliefs along with Zaduszki (Remembrance of the Dead) in the Opoczno and Radom Regions of Poland.] (Darius J. Piwowarczyk) 271

Laugrand, Frédéric B., and Jarich G. Oosten: Inuit Shamanism and Christianity. Transitions and Transformations in the Twentieth Century (Dagmar Siebelt) 273

Leibsohn, Dana: Script and Glyph. Pre-Hispanic History, Colonial Bookmaking, and the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca (Eleanor Wake) 274

Lenz, Ramona: Mobilitäten in Europa. Migration und Tourismus auf Kreta und Zypern im Kontext des europäischen Grenzregimes (Justin Winkler) 276

Loven, Klarijn: Watching Si Doel. Television, Language, and Cultural Identity in Contemporary Indonesia (Edwin Jurriëns) 277

MacClancy, Jeremy, Jeya Henry, and Helen Macbeth (eds.): Consuming the Inedible. Neglected Dimensions of Food Choice (Marin Trenk) 278

Maurer, Elke Regina: Fremdes im Blick, am Ort des Eigenen. Eine Rezeptionsanalyse von "Die weiße Massai" (Ilsemargret Luttmann) 279

Mayer, Enrique: Ugly Stories of the Peruvian Agrarian Reform (Harald Mossbrucker) 283

McIntosh, Janet: The Edge of Islam. Power, Personhood, and Ethnoreligious Boundaries on the Kenya Coast (T. O. Beidelman) 286

Millie, Julian: Splashed by the Saint. Ritual Reading and Islamic Sanctity in West Java (Susanne Rodemeier) 287

Morgan, Marcyliena: The Real Hiphop. Battling for Knowledge, Power, and Respect in the LA Underground (Michael Schlottner) 289

Myrvold, Kristina (ed.): The Death of Sacred Texts. Ritual Disposal and Renovation of Texts in World Religions (Joseph Walser) 291

Nurmila, Nina: Women, Islam, and Everyday Life. Renegotiating Polygamy in Indonesia (Edwin Wieringa) 292

O’Kane, David, and Tricia Redeker Hepner (eds.): Biopolitics, Militarism, and Development. Eritrea in the Twenty-First Century (Victoria Bernal) 293

Oester, Kathrin, Ursula Fiechter und Elke-Nicole Kappus: Schulen in transnationalen Lebenswelten. Integrations- und Segregationsprozesse am Beispiel von Bern West (Monika Müller) 294

Pinto, Sarah: Where There Is No Midwife. Birth and Loss in Rural India (Sandra Bärnreuther) 296

Preissing, Sigrun: Tauschen – Schenken – Geld? Ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Gegenentwürfe (Heike Kämpf) 297

Schmuhl, Hans-Walter (Hrsg.): Kulturrelativismus und Antirassismus. Der Anthropologe Franz Boas (1858−1942) (Alexa Geisthövel) 297

Schöpf, Ellen: Leben und Tod in der Kunst der präklassischen Indianerkulturen Mesoamerikas. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Todesverständnisses (Harald Grauer) 299

Schröder, Ingo W., and Asta Vonderau (eds.): Changing Economies and Changing Identities in Postsocialist Eastern Europe (Gediminas Lankauskas) 300

Schuerkens, Ulrike: Geschichte Afrikas. Eine Einführung (Helmut Bley) 302

Shaw, Alison: Negotiating Risk. British Pakistani Experiences of Genetics (Kate Hampshire) 302

Shipton, Parker: Mortgaging the Ancestors. Ideologies of Attachment in Africa (Carolyn Lesorogol) 303

Shorter, David Delgado: We Will Dance Our Truth. Yaqui History in Yoeme Performances (Antje Gunsenheimer) 304

Stewart, Pamela J., and Andrew Strathern (eds.): Exchange and Sacrifice (Susanne Kuehling) 306

Sutterlüty, Ferdinand, und Peter Imbusch (Hrsg.): Abenteuer Feldforschung. Soziologen erzählen (Anke Bahl) 307

Szemiński, Jan: Un ejemplo de larga tradición histórica andina. Libro 2° de las memorias antiguas historiales y políticas del Pirú redactado por Fernando de Montesinos (Kerstin Nowack) 309

Villepastour, Amanda: Ancient Text Messages of the Yorùbá Bàtá Drum. Cracking the Code (Debra L. Klein) 310

Williams, Robert Lloyd: Lord Eight Wind of Suchixtlan and the Heroes of Ancient Oaxaca. Reading History in the Codex Zouche-Nuttall (Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen) 311

Wiseman, Boris (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Lévi-Strauss (Thomas Reinhardt) 313

Zeis, Eva-Maria: “I Have a Very Good Trust in My God.” La construction de la religiosité des jeunes gens Sunnites à Beyrouth (Ziad Hafez) 315