
Reports and Comments

Zbigniew Libera: History and Culture. Problems of Cul-tural Anthropology and Historical Anthropology   597
Anahit Khudaverdyan: Artificial Modification of Skullsand Teeth from Ancient Burials in Armenia 602
George J. Toepfer: Helping Australian AboriginalYouth – In Turn Helping Australia 609
Bożena Gierek: Das Motiv des Gottesschutzes in“St. Patrick’s Breastplate” im Vergleich zu ahnlichenMotiven in judisch-christlichen, gnostischen und finnischenTraditionen 611
Thomas Bargatzky: Thomas C. Patterson’s Timely Perspectiveon Marxian Anthropology. A Review Article 617
Richard Derderian: Judging Mohammed. France’s“Color-blind” Juvenile Justice System on Trail. A ReviewArticle 622
Michael Knuppel: Zwei neue Arbeiten uber FranzBoas. Ein Rezensionsartikel 627


Book Reviews

Andolina, Robert, Nina Laurie, and Sarah A. Radcliffe:Indigenous Development in the Andes (Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld) 631
Beach, Hugh, Dmitri Funk, and Lennard Sillanpaa(eds.): Post-Soviet Transformations. Politics of Ethnicityand Resource Use in Russia (Erich Kasten)632
Beer, Bettina, Sabine Klocke-Daffa und ChristianaLutkes(Hrsg.): Berufsorientierung fur Kulturwissenschaftler.Erfahrungsberichte und Zukunftsperspektiven(Christian Johannsmann) 634
Bemile, Sebastian K.: Dagara Proverbs (Alexis B.Tengan) . 635Berg, Hans van den: Con los yuracarees (Bolivia). Cronicasmisionales (1765 – 1825) (Vincent Hirtzel)636
Bhattacharyya, Gargi (ed.): Ethnicities and Values in aChanging World (Sridevi Menon) 637
Blaser, Mario: Storytelling. Globalization from theChaco and Beyond (Diego Villar) 638
Braunlein, Peter J.: Passion/Pasyon. Rituale desSchmerzes im europaischen und philippinischen Christentum(Guido Sprenger) 641
Chatty, Dawn: Displacement and Dispossession in theModern Middle East (Erik Mohns) 642
Christoph, Henning: Voodoo – Die Kraft des Heilens(Dokumentarfilm) (Clara Himmelheber) 643
Coben, Herminia Menez: Verbal Arts in Philippine IndigenousCommunities. Poetics, Society, and History(Jon Henrik Ziegler Remme) 644
Colombo Dougoud, Roberta (ed.): Bambous kanak.Une passion de Marguerite Lobsiger-Dellenbach (DenisMonnerie) 645
Colombo Dougoud, Roberta, and Barbara Muller(eds.): Dream Traces. Australian Aboriginal Bark Paintings(Margo Neale) 647
Čvorović, Jelena: Roast Chicken and Other Gypsy Stories.Oral Narratives among Serbian Gypsies (SabrinaKopf) 648
Dalla Corte, Gabriela: Lealtades firmes. Redes de sociabilidady empresas: La “Carlos Casado S. A.” entre laArgentina y el Chaco paraguayo (1860 – 1940) (DariusJ. Piwowarczyk) 649
De la Cadena, Marisol, y Orin Starn (eds.): Indigeneidadescontemporaneas. Cultura, politica y globalizacion(Harald Mossbrucker) 651
DeHart, Monica C.: Ethnic Entrepreneurs. Identityand Development Politics in Latin America (Walter E.Little) 653
Dilger, Hansjorg, and Ute Luig (eds.): Morality, Hope,and Grief. Anthropologies of AIDS in Africa (AlexanderRodlach) 654
Donnan, Hastings, and Fiona Magowan: The Anthropologyof Sex (Christian Groes-Green) 656
Feyerabend, Joachim: Pazifik. Ozean der Zukunft (HermannMuckler) 657
Fowler, Ian, and Verkijika G. Fanso (eds.): Encounter,Transformation, and Identity: Peoples of the WesternCameroon Borderlands, 1891 – 2000 (Anne-Elise Keen) 659
Geissler, Paul Wenzel, and Ruth Jane Prince: TheLand is Dying. Contingency, Creativity, and Conflict inWestern Kenya (Parker Shipton) 660
Giblin, James, and Jamie Monson (eds.): Maji Maji.Lifting the Fog of War (T. O. Beidelman) 662
Gieler, Wolfgang: Afrika-Lexikon. Geographie, Geschichte,Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft (John Combey) 663
Gluck, Carol, and Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing (eds.):Words in Motion. Toward a Global Lexicon (JamesStanlaw) 664
Gonzales, Rhonda M.: Societies, Religion, and History.Central-East Tanzanians and the World They Created,c. 200 b.c.e. to 1800 c.e. (T. O. Beidelman) 665
Gothoni, Rene (ed.): Pilgrims and Travellers in Searchof the Holy (Chris A. Joseph) 667
Gottowik, Volker (Hrsg.): Die Ethnographen des letztenParadieses. Victor von Plessen und Walter Spies in Indonesien(Wolfgang Marschall) 668
Grageda Bustamante, Aaron: Schwert und Feder. DieChronisten Seiner Majestat des Konigs von Kastilienund die rechtlichen Auswirkungen der Geschichtsschreibungder Neuen Welt im 16. Jahrhundert (Antje Gunsenheimer) 669
Gruber, Christiane, and Frederick Colby: The Prophet’sAscension. Cross-Cultural Encounters with IslamicMiʿrāj Tales (Edwin P. Wieringa)  671
Gustafson, Bret: New Languages of the State. IndigenousResurgence and the Politics of Knowledge in Bolivia(Aurolyn Luykx)  672
Halbmayer, Ernst: Kosmos und Kommunikation. Weltkonzeptionenin der sudamerikanischen Sprachfamilieder Cariben (Wolfgang Kapfhammer) . 673
Han, Min, and Nelson Graburn (eds.): Tourism andGlocalization. Perspectives on East Asian Societies (T. C.Chang)674
Hanks, William F.: Converting Words. Maya in the Ageof the Cross (Frauke Sachse)675
Herbert, Oliver: Todeszauber und Mikroben. Krankheitskonzepteauf Karkar Island, Papua-Neuguinea (GodulaKosack) 678
Hoffman, Katherine E., and Susan Gilson Miller (eds.):Berbers and Others: Beyond Tribe and Nation in theMaghrib (David McMurray) 680
James, Deborah, Evie Plaice, and Christina Toren(eds.): Culture Wars. Context, Models, and Anthropologists’Accounts (Waldemar Kuligowski) 681
Knappert, Jan, and Leo van Kessel: Dictionary of LiterarySwahili (Mungai Mutonya)  682
Knoll, Arthur J., and Hermann J. Hiery (eds.): TheGerman Colonial Experience. Select Documents on GermanRule in Africa, China, and the Pacific 1884 – 1914(Roland Seib) 683
Kotnik, Vlado: Opera, Power, and Ideology. AnthropologicalStudy of a National Art in Slovenia (Paul Atkinson) 685
Kronenfeld, David B.: Fanti Kinship and the Analysisof Kinship Terminologies (Jeff Marck) 685
Kuba, Richard, and Musa Hambolu (eds.): Nigeria100 Years Ago. Through the Eyes of Leo Frobenius andHis Expedition Team (Adam Jones) 687
Lemaire, Marianne : Les sillons de la souffrance. Representationsdu travail en pays senoufo (Cote d’Ivoire)(Youssouf Diallo) 687
Leonard, Karen Isaksen, Gayatri Reddy, and AnnGrodzins Gold (eds.): Histories of Intimacy and SituatedEthnography (Barbara Miller) 688
Lichtenstein, Burgl: Die Welt der ’Enana. Eine Reisedurch Geschichte und Gegenwart der Marquesas-Inseln(Hermann Muckler)  689
Muckler, Hermann: Mission in Ozeanien (HaraldGrauer) 690
Muller-Wille, Ludger, und Bernd Gieseking (Hrsg.):Bei Inuit und Walfangern auf Baffin-Land (1883/1884).Das arktische Tagebuch des Wilhelm Weike (ChristophEgger) 692
Murrell, Nathaniel Samuel: Afro-Caribbean Religions.An Introduction to Their Historical, Cultural, and SacredTraditions (Phillips Stevens, Jr) 694
Nadjmabadi, Shahnaz R. (ed.): Conceptualizing IranianAnthropology. Past and Present Perspectives (ErikaFriedl) 695
Niessen, Sandra: Legacy in Cloth. Batak Textiles ofIndonesia (Ruth Barnes)697
Olsthoorn, Thea: Die Erkundungsreisen der HerrnhuterMissionare nach Labrador (1752 – 1770). Kommunikationmit Menschen einer nicht-schriftlichen Kultur (VerenaTraeger) 698
Ovesen, Jan, and Ing-Britt Trankell: Cambodians andTheir Doctors. A Medical Anthropology of Colonial andPost-Colonial Cambodia (Peg LeVine) 699
Piwowarczyk, Darius J.: Coming Out of the “IronCage.” The Indigenists of the Society of the Divine Wordin Paraguay, 1910 – 2000 (Roger Schroeder) 700
Piwowarczyk, Darius J.: Coming Out of the “IronCage.” The Indigenists of the Society of the Divine Wordin Paraguay, 1910 – 2000 (Michael Steltenkamp) 701
Pouwer, Jan: Gender, Ritual, and Social Formation inWest Papua. A Configurational Analysis Comparing Kamoroand Asmat (Deborah Van Heekeren)703
Prager, Laila: Die “Gemeinschaft des Hauses“. Religion,Heiratsstrategien und transnationale Identitat turkischerAlawi-/Nusairi-Migranten in Deutschland (BeatriceHendrich) 704
Robertson, John S., Danny Law, and Robbie A. Haertel:Colonial Ch’olti’. The Seventeenth-Century MoranManuscript (Michael Durr) 705
Schmalz, Katharina: Marae, Moko und Haka. TraditionelleRituale der Māori aus Neuseeland und ihre Bedeutungim 21. Jahrhundert (Georg Schifko) 707
Sexton, James D., and Fredy Rodriguez-Mejia (eds.):The Dog Who Spoke and More Mayan Folktales. El perroque hablo y mas cuentos mayas. Stories told by PedroCholotio Temo and Alberto Barreno (Brian Stross) 708
Shang, Hong, and Erik Trinkaus: The Early ModernHuman from Tianyuan Cave, China (Christopher J. Bae) 709
Shapira, Reuven: Transforming Kibbutz Research. Trustand Moral Leadership in the Rise and Decline of DemocraticCultures (T. M. S. Evens) 710
Skarżyńska, Beata: Mircea Eliade w Polsce. Recepcjareligioznawczo-kulturowa [Mircea Eliade en Pologne.Reception culturelle et en sciences des religions] (WładysławKowalak) 712
Snead, James E., Clark L. Erickson, and J. AndrewDarling(eds.): Landscapes of Movement. Trails, Paths,and Roads in Anthropological Perspective (Will Russell) 714
Sullivan, Lynne P., and Robert C. Mainfort, Jr. (eds.):Mississippian Mortuary Practices. Beyond Hierarchy andthe Representationist Perspective (Douglas K. Charles) 715
Tagwerker, Edeltraud: Siho and Naga – Lao Textiles.Reflecting a People’s Tradition and Change (Michael C.Howard) 717
Tarlo, Emma: Visibly Muslim. Fashion, Politics, Faith(John R. Bowen) 718
Trenk, Marin: Weise Indianer. Grenzganger zwischenden Kulturen in Nordamerika (Felix Hinz) 719
Turk, Andreas: Christentum in Ostsumba. Die Aneignungeiner Weltreligion in Indonesien aus praxistheoretischerSicht (Sabine Zurschmitten) 720
Walker, Anthony R. (ed.): Pika-Pika. The FlashingFirefly. Essays to Honour and Celebrate the Life of PaulineHetland Walker (1938 – 2005) (F. K. Lehman) 721
Wang-Riese, Xiaobing, and Thomas O. Hollmann(eds.): Time and Ritual in Early China (Joachim Gentz) 723
Wergin, Carsten: Kreol Blouz. Musikalische Inszenierungenvon Identitat und Kultur (Ralph Buchenhorst) 725
Wilcken, Patrick: Claude Levi-Strauss. The Poet in theLaboratory (James A. Boon) 726
Zeller, Joachim: Weise Blicke – Schwarze Korper. Afrikanerim Spiegel westlicher Alltagskultur. Bilder aus derSammlung Peter Weiss (Anna Niedźwiedź) 728
Zontini, Elisabetta: Transnational Families, Migration,and Gender. Moroccan and Filipino Women in Bolognaand Barcelona (Ester Gallo) 729

