
Reports and Comments

Walter Dostal (1928–2011) 167

Dagmar Siebelt: Otters, Water Monsters, and Yellow Stars. A Rare Example of Combined Blackfoot Tent Designs 173

Belkacem Belmekki: Sociocultural Malaise of India under the English East India Company Rule 179

Fubah, Mathias Alubafi: Title Cups and People. Relationships and Change in Grassfields Art 183

Georg Schifko: Zu einem ungewöhnlichen Diorama, das den Handel von mumifizierten Maori-Köpfen (mokomokai / upoko tuhi) darstellt  195

George J. Toepfer: Who Are Australian Aborigines and Where Are They at Today 200

Ranty R. Islam: Believing to Recover. The Role of Religion in the Recovery Phase of Natural Disasters 209

Christoph Antweiler: On Cultural Evolution. A Review of Current Research toward a Unified Theory of Societal Change 217



Book Reviews

Adams, Vincanne, Mona Schrempf, and Sienna R. Craig (eds.): Medicine between Science and Religion. Explorations on Tibetan Grounds (Dawn Collins) . 229

Anderson, Astrid: Landscapes of Relations and Belonging. Body, Place, and Politics in Wogeo, Papua New Guinea (David Lipset). 230

Anderson, Wanni W.: Mapping Thai Muslims. Community Dynamics and Change on the Andaman Coast (Patrick Jory) 231

Bair, Jennifer (ed.): Frontiers of Commodity Chain Research (Frederick F. Wherry) 232

Barnard, Alan: Social Anthropology and Human Origins (Benjamin Grant Purzycki) 233

Bernstein, Julia: Food for Thought. Transnational Contested Identities and Food Practices of Russian-Speaking Jewish Migrants in Israel and Germany (Larissa Remennick) 234

Búriková, Zuzana, and Daniel Miller: Au Pair (Caterina Rohde) 235

Chrisomalis, Stephen: Numerical Notation. A Comparative History (Harald Gropp)  237

Corr, Rachel: Ritual and Remembrance in the Ecuadorian Andes (Dagmar Schweitzer de Palacios)  238

Curry, Patrick (ed.): Divination. Perspectives for a New Millennium (Lioba Rossbach de Olmos) 239

Das, N. K. and V. R. Rao (eds.): Identity, Cultural Pluralism, and State. South Asia in Perspective (Irfanullah Farooqi) 241

Dean, Bartholomew: Urarina Society, Cosmology, and History in Peruvian Amazonia (Raphael Tomczyk) 242

Desai, Amit, and Evan Killick (eds.): The Ways of Friendship. Anthropological Perspectives (Rebecca G. Adams) 244

Dillehay, Tom D. (ed.): From Foraging to Farming in the Andes. New Perspectives on Food Production and Social Organization (Elmo Leon Canales) 245

Ess, Josef van: Der Eine und das Andere. Beobachtungen an islamischen haresiographischen Texten (E. P. Wieringa) 247

Faubion, James D.: An Anthropology of Ethics (Jarrett Zigon) 248

Folliet, Luc: Nauru. Die verwustete Insel. Wie der Kapitalismus das reichste Land der Erde zerstorte (Hermann Muckler) 249

Förster, Larissa: Postkoloniale Erinnerungslandschaften. Wie Deutsche und Herero in Namibia des Kriegs von 1904 gedenken (Godwin Kornes) 251

Franceschi, Zelda Alice, y María Cristina Dasso: Etnografias. La escritura como testimonio entre los Wichi (Diego Villar) 253

Frank, Theresa: Begegnungen. Eine kritische Hommage an das Reisen (Brigitte Wiesenbauer) 254

Galan, Christian, et Emmanuel Lozerand (eds.): La famille japonaise moderne (1868−1926). Discours et debats (Bernard Bernier) 254

Glassman, Jonathon: War of Words, War of Stones. Racial Thoughts and Violence in Colonial Zanzibar (William Bissell) 255

Goebel, Zane: Language, Migration, and Identity. Neighborhood Talk in Indonesia (E. P. Wieringa) 257

Goulard, Jean-Pierre, et Dimitri Karadimas (eds.): Masques des hommes. Visages des dieux. Regards d’Amazonie (Anne-Marie Colpron) 257

Graf, Arndt, Susanne Schröter, and Edwin Wieringa(eds.): Aceh. History, Politics, and Culture (Jean Gelman Taylor) 259

Grasseni, Cristina: Developing Skill, Developing Vision. Practices of Locality at the Foot of the Alps (Christophe Gros) 260

Hinz, Manfred O., and Clever Mapaure (eds.): In Search of Justice and Peace. Traditional and Informal Justice Systems in Africa (Dominik Kohlhagen). 262

Hörbst, Viola: Heilungslandschaften. Umgangsweisen mit Erkrankung und Heilung bei den Cora in Jesus Maria, Mexiko (Kristina Tiedje). 263

Howell, Nancy: Life Histories of the Dobe !Kung. Food, Fatness, and Well-Being over the Life Span (DavidHimmelgreen) 263

Hsu, Elisabeth, and Stephen Harris (eds.): Plants, Health, and Healing. On the Interface of Ethnobotany and Medical Anthropology (Lisa Aston Philander) 265

Husmann, Jana: Schwarz-Weis-Symbolik. Dualistische Denktraditionen und die Imagination von “Rasse”. Religion – Wissenschaft – Anthroposophie (Godula Kosack). 266

Ishikawa, Noboru: Between Frontiers. Nation and Identity in a Southeast Asian Borderland (Nel Vandekerckhove 267

Jackson, Michael: Life Within Limits: Well-Being in a World of Want (Jacqueline Knorr) 268

Jebens, Holger: After the Cult. Perceptions of Other and Self in West New Britain (Papua New Guinea) (Ira Bashkow) 270

Jenkins, Timothy: The Life of Property. House, Family, and Inheritance in Bearn, South-West France (Matt Hodges) 271

Johler, Reinhard, Christian Marchetti, and Monique Scheer (eds.): Doing Anthropology in Wartime and War Zones. World War I and the Cultural Sciences in Europe (Aleksandar Bošković) 272

Kazubowski-Houston, Magdalena: Staging Strife. Lessons from Performing Ethnography with Polish Roma Women (David Z. Scheffel) 273

Kreide-Damani, Ingrid (Hrsg.): Ethnologie im Nationalsozialismus. Julius Lips und die Geschichte der “Volkerkunde” (Martin Rossler) 274

Labate, Beatriz Caiuby, and Edward MacRae (eds.): Ayahuasca, Ritual, and Religion in Brazil (Bettina E. Schmidt). 276

Lieberman, Victor: Strange Parallels. Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800−1830. Vol. 2: Mainland Mirrors. Europe, Japan, China, South Asia, and the Islands (Wolfgang Marschall) 277

Liebersohn, Harry: The Return of the Gift. European History of a Global Idea (Chris Hann) 279

Liebmann, Matthew, and Melissa S. Murphy (eds.): Enduring Conquests. Rethinking the Archaeology of Resistance to Spanish Colonialism in the Americas (Kathryn Sampeck) 280

Macri, Martha J., and Gabrielle Vail: The New Catalog of Maya Hieroglyphs. Vol. 2: The Codical Texts (Berthold Riese) 281

Maddy-Weitzman, Bruce: The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North African States (Thomas K. Park) 283

Manca, Maria: La poesie pour repondre au hasard. Une approche anthropologique des joutes poetiques de Sardaigne (Cyril Isnart) 284

Manger, Leif: The Hadrami Diaspora. Community-Building on the Indian Ocean Rim (Iain Walker) 286

Nagle, John: Multiculturalism’s Double Bind. Creating Inclusivity, Cosmopolitanism, and Difference (Robin Whitaker) 287

Niezen, Ronald: Public Justice and the Anthropology of Law (Lawrence Rosen) 288

Oester, Kathrin: Ramadan im Regenwald. Aufzeichnungen aus einer matrilinearen Gesellschaft Zentralsumatras (Kristina Grosmann) 289

Orta, Lucy (ed.): Mapping the Invisible. EU-Roma Gypsies (David Z. Scheffel) 273

Para una cultura del entendimiento. Las misiones jesuiticas en Latinoamerica. Fur eine Kultur des Verstehens. Die Jesuitenmission in Lateinamerika (Norbert H. C. Foerster) 291

Pospíšilová, Dagmar, Ivana Hladká, and Anna Jezberová: Pavel Durdik (1843−1903). Life and Work. Ethnological Collection of the Island of Nias (Wolfgang Marschall)292

Rebel, Hermann: When Women Held the Dragon’s Tongue and Other Essays in Historical Anthropology (Margareth Lanzinger) 292

Riese, Berthold: Der Untergang der Sonnengotter. Die
Hochkulturen des alten Amerika (Brigitte Wiesenbauer). 294

Rösing, Ina: White, Grey, and Black Kallawaya Healing Rituals (Darius J. Piwowarczyk) 295

Rothé, Thomas: Dakar, chemins de traverse (Claude Riviere) 296

Rountree, Kathryn: Crafting Contemporary Pagan Identities in a Catholic Society (Sabina Magliocco) 297

Salazar, Noel B.: Envisioning Eden. Mobilizing Imaginaries in Tourism and Beyond (Ingrid Thurner) 298

Schnepel, Burkhard, Gunnar Brands und Hanne Schönig (Hrsg.): Orient – Orientalistik – Orientalismus. Geschichte und Aktualitat einer Debatte (Marion Gollner) 299

Stewart, Pamela J., and Andrew Strathern (eds.): Ritual (Ute Husken) 301

Stigler, Johanna: Verwandtschaft, Kultur, Religion. Beitrage zur Sozialanthropologie Georgiens (Madlen Pilz) 302

Stoler, Ann Laura: Along the Archival Grain. Epistemic Anxieties and Colonial Common Sense (Hans Voges) 304

Suzuki, Taku: Embodying Belonging. Racializing Okinawan Diaspora in Bolivia and Japan (Nobuko Adachi) 306

Tof fin, Gérard: La fete-spectacle. Theatre et rite au Nepal (Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy) 307

Trémon, Anne-Christine: Chinois en Polynesie francaise. Migration, metissage, diaspora (Bruno Saura) 308

Villar, Diego, Lorena Córdoba, e Isabelle Combès: Lareduccion imposible. Las expediciones del padre Negrete a los pacaguaras (1795−1800) (Gary Van Valen) 310

Vinicius, Lucio: Modular Evolution. How Natural Selection Produces Biological Complexity (Marion Blute) 311

Wavell, Barbara: Arts and Crafts of Micronesia. Trading with Tradition (Hermann Muckler) 312

Wellens, Koen: Religious Revival in the Tibetan Borderlands. The Premi of Southwest China (Magnus Fiskesjo) 314

Were, Graeme: Lines that Connect. Rethinking Pattern and Mind in the Pacific (Will Rollason) 315

Wilkens, Katharina: Holy Water and Evil Spirits. Religious Healing in East Africa (Kjersti Larsen) 316

Wright, Terence: Visual Impact. Culture and the Meaning of Images (Shelly Errington) 317

Yalçin-Heckmann, Lale: The Return of Private Property. Rural Life after Agrarian Reform in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Shannon O’Lear) 319

Yetman, David A.: The Opatas. In Search of a Sonoran People (Antje Gunsenheimer) 320

Z’graggen, John Anton: The Lady Daria and Mister Kamadonga. A Legend of Papua New Guinea (Alexis Th.von Poser) 321

March 2012

