Josef Thiel: Hermann Hochegger – Missionar und Ethnologe im Kongo (1931–2009) 685-690
Henrik Egbert: Marcel Mauss und ökonomische Theorien. Die Institution Geld 690-700
Georg Schifko: Zur indirekten Rezeption einer traditionellen mongolischen Haartracht in der Paläozoologie, die über den Umweg der Science-Fiction-Saga “Star Wars” erfolgt ist 700-703
Bangstad, Sindre (ed.): Anthropology of Our Times. An Edited Anthology in Public Anthropology (Robin Whitaker). 705
Baptista, Joao Afonso: The Good Holiday. Development, Tourism, and the Politics of Benevolence in Mozambique (Robert Fletcher). 706
Bregnbak, Susanne, and Mikkel Bunkenborg (eds.): Emptiness and Fullness. Ethnographies of Lack and Desire in Contemporary China (Jamie Coates). 707
Broch-Due, Vigdis, and Margit Ystanes (eds.): Trusting and Its Tribulations. Interdisciplinary Engagements with Intimacy, Sociality, and Trust (Jacek Jan Pawlik) . 708
Chrzan, Jane, and John Brett (eds.): Food Health. Nutrition, Technology, and Public Health (Amy K. McLennan). 710
Cochrane, Laura L.: Everyday Faith in Sufi Senegal (Monika Brodnicka). 711
Dalsgaard, Steffen, and Morten Nielsen (eds.): Time and the Field (Evelyn Wladarsch). 712
Deimel, Claus: Des Museums neue Kleider. Die Riten im Museum der Menschen (Ulrike Krasberg). 714
Dinslage, Sabine, and Sophia Thubauville (eds.): Seeking Out Wise Old Men. Six Decades of Ethiopian Studies at the Frobenius Institute Revisited (Shauna LaTosky). 716
Draycott, Jane, and Emma-Jayne Graham (eds.): Bodies of Evidence. Ancient Anatomical Votives Past, Present, and Future (Evy Johanne Haland). 718
Drew, Georgina: River Dialogues. Hindu Faith and the Political Ecology of Dams on the Sacred Ganga (Othmar Gächter). 720
Elliot, Alice, Roger Norum, and Noel B. Salazar (eds.): Methodologies of Mobility. Ethnography and Experiment (André Nóvoa). 721
Elmore, Mark: Becoming Religious in a Secular Age (Brian K. Pennington). 722
Fantaw, Setargew Kenaw: Technology-Culture Dialogue. Cultural and Sociotechnical Appropriation of Mobile Phones in Ethiopia (Hans P. Hahn). 723
Feest, Christian, und C. Ronald Corum: Frederick Weygold. Künstler und Erforscher nordamerikanischer Indianer (Nikolaus Stolle). 724
Flaskerud, Ingvild, and Richard J. Natvig (eds.): Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe (Seán McLoughlin). 725
Gago, Veronica: Neoliberalism from below. Popular Pragmatics and Baroque Economies (Pascal Henke). 726
Gotz, Irene, Johannes Moser, Moritz Ege und Burkhart Lauterbach (Hrsg.): Europäische Ethnologie in München. Ein kulturwissenschaftlicher Reader (David J. Berchem). 727
Grana-Behrens, Daniel (ed.): Places of Power and Memory in Mesoamerica’s Past and Present. How Sites, Toponyms, and Landscapes Shape History and Remembrance (Susan D. Gillespie). 728
Gunsenheimer, Antje, Monika Wehrheim, Mechthild Albert und Karoline Noack (Hrsg.): 2012 – die globalisierte Apokalypse aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive (Josef Drexler). 730
Hew, Wai Weng: Chinese Ways of Being Muslim. Negotiating Ethnicity and Religiosity in Indonesia (Vinsensius Adi Gunawan). 731
Hillermann, Hendrik: Victor Witter Turner. Eine Biografie (Harald Grauer). 733
Hoffman, Danny: Monrovia Modern. Urban Form and Political Imagination in Liberia (Ilmari Käihkö). 734
Hoffmann, Beatrix, and Karoline Noack (eds.): Apalai – Tiriyó – Wayana … Objects_Collections_Databases (María Susana Cipolletti). 735
Holbraad, Martin, and Morten Axel Pedersen: The Ontological Turn. An Anthropological Exposition (Juan Javier Rivera Andía). 736
Hull, Kerry: A Dictionary of Ch’orti’ Mayan-Spanish- English (Frauke Sachse). 739
Jansen, Maarten, and Gabina Aurora Perez Jimenez: Time and the Ancestors. Aztec and Mixtec Ritual Art (Daniel Grana-Behrens). 740
Jochelson, Waldemar: Aus dem Fernen Osten Russlands. Deutschsprachige Schriften (1881–1908) (Eva-Maria Stolberg). 741
Kalny, Eva: Soziale Bewegungen in Guatemala. Eine kritische Theoriediskussion (Georg Grünberg). 742
Keeler, Ward: The Traffic in Hierarchy. Masculinity and Its Others in Buddhist Burma (Laura Hornig). 743
Kerestetzi, Katerina: Vivre avec les morts a Cuba. Réinvention et transmission religieuse dans le palo monte (María Susana Cipolletti). 744
Lambek, Michael: The Ethical Condition. Essays on Action, Person, and Value (Emanuel Schaeublin). 746
Lipset, David: Yabar. The Alienations of Murik Men in a Papua New Guinea Modernity (Roger Ivar Lohmann). 747
Meintjes, Louise: Dust of the Zulu. Ngoma Aesthetics after Apartheid (Thomas M. Pooley). 749
Plemons, Eric: The Look of a Woman. Facial Feminization Surgery and the Aims of Trans-Medicine (Zowie Davy). 750
Poser, Alexis von, und Bianca Baumann (Hrsg.): Heikles Erbe. Koloniale Spuren bis in die Gegenwart (Sarah Fründt). 751
Price, Richard, and Sally Price: Saamaka Dreaming (Cheryl White) 753
Rivinius, Karl Josef, SVD: Bildungsoffensive. P. Wilhelm Schmidt SVD in Ostasien (1935) (Peter Rohrbacher) 754
Robb, Matthew H. (ed.): Teotihuacan. City of Water, City of Fire (Daniel Grana-Behrens) 756
Rush, James R.: Hamka’s Great Story. A Master Writer’s Vision of Islam for Modern Indonesia (E. P. Wieringa) 757
Seiser, Gertraud (Hrsg.): Ökonomische Anthropologie. Einführung und Fallbeispiele (Oliwia Murawska) 758
Severi, Carlo, and William F. Hanks (eds.): Translating Worlds. The Epistemological Space of Translation (Anders Norge Lauridsen) 760
Taee, Jonathan: The Patient Multiple. An Ethnography of Healthcare and Decision-Making in Bhutan (Barbara Gerke) 761
Trawick, Margaret: Death, Beauty, Struggle. Untouchable Women Create the World (Karin Kapadia) 762
Tsing, Anna, Heather Swanson, Elaine Gan, and Nils Bubandt (eds.): Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene (Juan Javier Rivera Andía) 763
Ulin Agan, Polykarp, SVD (Hrsg.): Pentekostalismus – Pfingstkirchen (Uta Andrée) 764
Urioste-Buschmann, Martina: Afro-karibische Glaubensfeste im antillanischen Gegenwartsroman. Gesellschaftskritische Inszenierungen zwischen kulturanthropologischer Perspektive und spiritueller Entgrenzungserfahrung (Peter Braun) 765
Valentine, Paul, Stephen Beckerman, and Catherine Ales (eds.): The Anthropology of Marriage in Lowland South America. Bending and Breaking the Rules (L. M. Rival) 767
Walton, Grant W.: Anti-Corruption and Its Discontents. Local, National, and International Perspectives on Corruption in Papua New Guinea (Roland Seib) 769
Wassmann, Jurg: The Gently Bowing Person. An Ideal among the Yupno in Papua New Guinea (Cypri Jehan Paju Dale) 770
White, Geoffrey M.: Memorializing Pearl Harbor. Unfinished Histories and the Work of Remembrance (Takashi Yoshida) 771
Youkhana, Eva (ed.): Border Transgression. Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis (Harald Mossbrucker) 772
Miszelle (Piwowarczyk, Darius J.: Examining the Nazca Lines) 775
December 2018