
36 of 4487
Lost Paths. Climate Changes and the Forgotten Route to Skriduklaustur Monastery, Eastern Iceland
1 – 8
Ethnological Studies at the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the Light of New Sources
9 – 20
Die kongolesischen sapeurs zwischen Marginalisierung und celebrity Kult
21 – 47
Interaction of Customs and Colonial Heritage. Their Impact on Marriage and Children in Nigeria
49 – 68
Using Theory to Explain Ethnographic Descriptions of Change. Strain Stress and Identity Systems in a Sri Lankan Village
69 – 82
The Maya Pilgrimage to the Black Christ. A Phenomenology of Journey, Sacrifice, and Renewal
83 – 98
El Árbol de Tule. Un monument de importancia en el ideario de la gente indígena de Oaxaca
99 – 112
Hacer a un perro. Relaciones entre los qom del Gran Chaco argentino y sus companeros animales de caza
113 – 125
Los juguetes de los wichís del Gran Chaco
127 – 148
Kultur als Gedächtnisphänomen. Das mnemonische Paradigma
149 – 167
Kultur und Wissenschaft. Die Frage nach der Exaktheit der kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschung
169 – 183
The Hume/Tylor Genealogy and Andrew Lang. Of Miracles and Marvels, Animism, and Materialism
185 – 200
In Search of the Soul in Amazonia
201 – 205
Social Welfare Functions of the Shrine of Bari Imam. How the Shrine Nationalization Policy Backfired
205 – 213
French-Swedish-American Crossroads. Alfred Métraux, Erland Nordenskiöld, and the Gothenburg School of Ethnography
214 – 224
Magical Causation of Death in Archaic Societies. Cultural Anthropology in the Light of the Cognitive-Development Approach, Exemplified by the Scrutiny of Causes and Consequences of the Mystical Interpretation of the Death
224 – 238
Disturbed Souls and Angered Spirits. The Interpretation and Response to Sickness among the Lahu People of the Yunnan-Northern Southeast Asia Borderlands
353 – 370
Nyai Rara Kidul. The Antecedents of a Cosmopolitan Queen
371 – 393
Miḻāvu – göttliches Perkussionsinstrument im südindischen Sanskrit-Drama Kūṭiyāṭṭam
395 – 414
Altares para los muertos en los Andes
415 – 431
Die Rolle der höchhöhöchsten Autorität der Maya in Guatemala
433 – 448
Die abgehängten Beine. Nagualismus und Hexerei in der Folklore der Nahuas aus der Sierra Zongolica
449 – 463
Behind the Scenes. Vietnamese Immigrants of Buddhist Faith Doing Communitas in Switzerland
465 – 478
Le dessous de choses. Sorcellerie, violence et complicité ethnographique en Afrique de l’Ouest (Plateau Dogon)
479 – 496
The Khwe of Namibia. Foragers between Game, Tourism, and Politics
497 – 511
Indigeny-Exogeny. The Fundamental Social Dimension?
513 – 531
Mit Descartes gegen Descartes. Zur Theorie von den Sichtweisen auf die Formen der Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und Nichtmenschen bei Philippe Descola
533 – 551
La rêve de Gilgamesh. Les signes du droit de cuissage et de la succession
553 – 573
Theorie des Mythos
575 – 591
British Social Anthropologists and Missionaries in the Twentieth Century
593 – 601
Magical Art – Art as Magic
601 – 607
The Reaction of Czech Thinkers and Especially of Catholic Theologians to the Evolution Theory of Human Origin in Global Context (1840–1950)111.2016
607 – 618
Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft, Komplizenschaft. Alltagsethik im ländlichen China
619 – 628
Recycling Entrepreneurs. Reflections on the Enterprise of “Scavenging” Beverage Containers in Berlin and New York
628 – 637
History of Migration and Contributions of Indian Women in Zambia. Comparison with South African Indian Women
637 – 649
Tiger Transformation among the Khasis of Northeastern India. Belief Worlds and Shifting
649 – 658
36 of 4487