The Collectanea series of the Anthropos Institute was startet in 1967 by Wilhelm Saake. The original purpose of this series was to collect and publish materials dealing with societies without script. However, the scope of the series was expanded to include the preservation of items of cultural significance. Over the years more than 50 volumes have appeared, dealing with general ethnography, religious ethnography, and linguistic materials.
The series is still edited by Anthropos Institute but since 2018 (CIA 49) it is published by Academia Verlag in the Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG in Baden-Baden.
Patchwork. Religionen fallen nicht vom Himmel
Giants’ Footprints. 90th Anniversary of Anthropos Institute (1931-2021)
P. Johann Frick SVD: Mao schlief in meinem Bett. Erinnerungen eines Chinamissionars 1931–1952
Translating Wor(l)ds. Christianity across Cultural Boundaries
Mana, Macht und Mythen. Tradition und Moderne in Australien und Ozeanien
Das Herz von Hia spricht. Die Urbevölkerung von Nias, Indonesien
La transmisión de conceptos cristianos a las lenguas amerindias
A Kumulipo of Hawai‘i
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