Eveline Sigl: Cuando mujeres se visten de flores y chacras bailan. Danza, fertilidad y espiri-tualidad en el altiplano boliviano

Abstract. – The article concerns the relationship between the agrarian cycle of potato production as well as traditional notions of fertility and growth, on the one hand, and the syncretic, Aymara– Christian, cosmovision, on the other, as expressed in the choreography and symbolism of popular dances of the Bolivian Altiplano, preserved and practiced both in the indigenous – rural and in the “mestizo” – urban (for instance Kullawa and Diablada dances) cultural environments. The author concludes that in all analyzed cases a strong emphasis is placed on “good production” and gender roles, as manifested in the symbolism of abundance, reproduction, and erotism. [Bolivia, Aymara, Andean cosmovision, agrarian cycle, fertility, potato production, indigenous dance]