
Reports and Comments

Günter Best: Nachruf auf Andreas Kronenberg (1931–2016) 223 - 226
Carlos Nogueira: A recolha e a classificação de um cancioneiro popular português . 226
Georg Winterberger: Das Phänomen der Blutrache. Können gewohnheitsrechtliche Praktiken des Kanun als Selbstjustiz bezeichnet werden? 237
Lana Peternel, Ana Malnar, and Irena Martinović Klarić: Content and Distribution of Cultural Knowledge about Leisure Time, Social Participation, and Material Goods. Significance for Holistic Anthropological Research of Psychosocial Stress in Croatian Youth . 243
Óscar Misael Hernández-Hernández: Sexo en la posrevolución. Poder, cultura y prostitución en una ciudad mexicana . 255
Johan Wedel: Human–Plant Interaction and Spiritual Healing among the Miskitu . 263
Mandela Kaumba Mazanga: Un dernier atelier de poterie Kongo-Mbata à Nsangi-Binsu (Bas-Congo, R. D. Congo) . 270
Prasenjit Sarkar: Multiple Identities of the Kapalis of Bengal. An Ethnohistorical Perspective . 282

Book Reviews

Abel, Johanna: Transatlantisches KörperDenken. Reisende Autorinnen des 19. Jahrhunderts in der hispanophonen Karibik (Elisabeth Baldauf-Sommerbauer) 291
Allgayer-Kaufmann, Regine (ed.): World Music Studies (Leslie Tilley) 292
Appadurai, Arjun: Banking on Words. The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance (Stefan Leins) 294
Århem, Nikolas: Forests, Spirits, and High Modernist Development. A Study of Cosmology and Change among the Katuic Peoples in the Uplands of Laos and Vietnam (Guido Sprenger) 295
Banton, Michael: What We Now Know About Race and Ethnicity (Peter Wade) 296
Bell, Joshua A., and Erin L. Hasinoff (eds.): The Anthropology of Expeditions. Travel, Visualities, Afterlives (Anthony Shelton) 297
Brabec de Mori, Bernd: Die Lieder der Richtigen Menschen. Musikalische Kulturanthropologie der indigenen Bevölkerung im Ucayali-Tal, Westamazonien (Julio Mendívil) 298
Brinton, Jacquelene G.: Preaching Islamic Renewal. Religious Authority and Media in Contemporary Egypt (Hatsuki Aishima) 300
Camacho, Jorge: Miedo negro, poder blanco en la Cuba colonial (María Susana Cipolletti) 301
Carr, C. Lynn: A Year in White. Cultural Newcomers to Lukumi and Santería in the United States (Lioba Rossbach de Olmos) 303
Charlot, John: A Kumulipo of Hawai‘i. Comments on Lines 1 to 615 of the Origin Chant (Thomas Bargatzky) 305
Córdoba, Lorena (ed.): Dos suizos en la selva. Historias del auge cauchero en el Oriente boliviano (Erick D. Langer) 306
Costa, David J. (ed.): New Voices for Old Words. Algonquian Oral Literatures (Ashley Glassburn Falzetti) 306
Delamaza, Gonzalo: Enhancing Democracy. Public Policies and Citizen Participation in Chile (Ton Salman) 308
Döpcke, Wolfgang: Pré-História e nacional-socialismo na Alemanha. Um ensaio biográfico sobre o arqueólogo Karl Hermann Jacob-Friesen (Claus Deimel) 309
Dudrah, Rajinder, Elke Mader, and Bernhard Fuchs (eds.): SRK and Global Bollywood (Shakuntala Rao) 311
Fathurahman, Oman: Shaṭṭārīyah Silsilah in Aceh, Java, and the Lanao Area of Mindanao (Irina R. Katkova) 312
Field, Julie S., and Michael W. Graves (eds.): Abundance and Resilience. Farming and Foraging in Ancient Kaua‘i (Jack Rossen) 313
Freeman, Carla: Entrepreneurial Selves. Neoliberal Respectability and the Making of a Caribbean Middle Class (Clare A. Sammells) 314
Göknar, Merve Demircioğlu: Achieving Procreation. Childlessness and IVF in Turkey (Seda Saluk) 315
Gutiérrez Estévez, Manuel, y Alexandre Surrallés (eds.): Retórica de los sentimientos. Etnografías amerindias (Juan Javier Rivera Andía) 316
Hastrup, Kirsten, and Frida Hastrup (eds.): Waterworlds. Anthropology in Fluid Environments (Franz Krause) 318
Hyatt, Susan Brin, Boone W. Shear, and Susan Wright (eds.): Learning under Neoliberalism. Ethnographies of Governance in Higher Education (Robin Conley Riner) 320
Iannone, Gyles, Brett A. Houk, and Sonja A. Schwake (eds.): Ritual, Violence, and the Fall of the Classic Maya Kings (James L. Fitzsimmons) 321
Jahoda, Christian: Socio-Economic Organisation in a Border Area of Tibetan Culture. Tabo, Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India (Tanase Jiro) 322
Kaur, Raminder, and Parul Dave-Mukherji (eds.): Arts and Aesthetics in a Globalizing World (Beth Hinderliter) 323
Klaufus, Christien, and Arij Ouweneel (eds.): Housing and Belonging in Latin America (Harald Mossbrucker) 324
Kleinert, Martina, und Thorolf Lipp (Hrsg.): Auf Augenhöhe? Von Begegnungen mit der Südsee und angewandter Ethnologie (Igor Eberhard) 326
Kockelman, Paul: The Chicken and the Quetzal. Incommensurate Ontologies and Portable Values in Guatemala’s Cloud Forest (Daniel Grana-Behrens) 327
Lancy, David F.: The Anthropology of Childhood. Cherubs, Chattel, Changelings (Sandra J. T. M. Evers) 328
LaPier, Rosalyn R., and David R. M. Beck: City Indian. Native American Activism in Chicago, 1893–1934 (Paul C. Rosier) 329
Li, Fabiana: Unearthing Conflict. Corporate Mining, Activism, and Expertise in Peru (Juan Javier Rivera Andía) 330
Lidchi, Henrietta: Surviving Desires. Making and Selling Native Jewellery in the American Southwest (Anka Krämer de Huerta) 332
Mariański, Janusz: Leksykon socjologii moralności [Lexicon of the Sociology of Morality] (Stanisław A. Wargacki) 334
Marino, Elizabeth: Fierce Climate, Sacred Ground. An Ethnography of Climate Change in Shishmaref, Alaska (Joshua Moses) 335
Marlog, Vanessa: Zwischen Dokumentation und Imagination. Neue Erzählstrategien im ethnologischen Film (Torsten Näser) 336
Maurer, Bill: How Would You Like to Pay? How Technology Is Changing the Future of Money (Horacio Ortiz) 337
Meyer, Birgit: Sensational Movies. Video, Vision, and Christianity in Ghana (Marleen de Witte) 338
Mildnerová, Kateřina: From Where Does the Bad Wind Blow? Spiritual Healing and Witchcraft in Lusaka, Zambia (Alexander Rödlach) 339
Moj, Muhammad: The Deoband Madrassah Movement. Countercultural Trends and Tendencies (Irfanullah Farooqi) 341
Morton, Christopher, and Darren Newbury (eds.): The African Photographic Archive. Research and Curatorial Strategies (Francesca Bayre) 342
Nash, Catherine: Genetic Geographies. The Trouble with Ancestry (Katharina Schramm) 343
Nitsos, Nikolaos: Tales, Rituals, and Songs. Exploring the Unknown Popular Culture of a Greek Mountain Village (Evy Johanne Håland) 344
Obizaan Staples, Lee, and Chato Ombishkebines Gonzalez: Aanjikiing. Changing Worlds. An Anishinaabe Traditional Funeral (Lawrence W. Gross) 346
Paulin, Chris, and Mark Fenwick: Te Matau a Māui. Fish-Hooks, Fishing, and Fisheries in New Zealand (Atholl Anderson) 347
Peel, J. D. Y.: Christianity, Islam, and Oriṣa Religion. Three Traditions in Comparison and Interaction (Insa Nolte) 348
Prem, Hanns J., Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Saénz, Frauke Sachse y Frank Seeliger: Relación de la genealogía y Origen de los mexicanos. Dos documentos del Libro de Oro (Anastasia Kalyuta) 349
Prendergast, David, and Chiara Garattini (eds.): Aging and the Digital Life Course (Sara Mosberg Iversen) 350
Price, David H.: Cold War Anthropology. The CIA, the Pentagon, and the Growth of Dual Use Anthropology (Roberto J. González) 351
Regi Waton, Fidelis: Die Provokation des Guten. Arendts philosophische Untersuchung zur Frage nach Schuld und Verantwortung unter der totalitären Herrschaft (Joachim G. Piepke) 352
Rosen, Lawrence: Two Arabs, a Berber, and a Jew. Entangled Lives in Morocco (Emily Benichou Gottreich) 354
Rountree, Kathryn (ed.): Contemporary Pagan and Native Faith Movements in Europe. Colonialist and Nationalist Impulses (Jennifer Snook) 355
Saunders, Tanya L.: Cuban Underground Hip Hop. Black Thoughts, Black Revolution, Black Modernity (Christina D. Abreu) 356
Smith, Katherine, James Staples, and Nigel Rapport (eds.): Extraordinary Encounters. Authenticity and the Interview (Jonathan Skinner) 357
Sökefeld, Martin (ed.): Spaces of Conflict in Everyday Life. Perspectives across Asia (Alessandro Monsutti) 358
Steinmüller, Hans, and Susanne Brandtstädter (eds.): Irony, Cynicism, and the Chinese State (Xin Liu) 359
Stolle, Nikolaus: Talking Beads. The History of Wampum as a Value and Knowledge Bearer, from Its Very First Beginnings until Today (Justin Power) 360
Ṭāheri, ʿAṭā: Kuč, kuč. Taǧrobe-ye nim qarn-e zendegi dar Kohgiluye wa Boyr-Aḥmad [Immer neuer Weggang, Ortswechsel. Lebenserfahrungen eines halben Jahrhunderts in Kohgiluye und Boyr-Aḥmad] (Burkhard Ganzer) 361
Xie, Yuanyuan: Ecological Migrants. The Relocation of China’s Ewenki Reindeer Herders (Aurore Dumont) 363

September 2017

Anthropos Journal, Vol 112/1 (2017)
