
Reports and Comments

Abdel Hakim Al-Husban and Abdulla Al-Shorman: The Socioanthropological Dynamics of the Urban Evolution of the Contemporary Amman City  219

Lambert Lipoubou: Le chamane, un explorateur de l’in-conscient  225

Andrzej Bronk: Why Is a Presuppositionless and in This Sense Objective Study of Religion Impossible? 231

Michael Knüppel: Zur Typologie der jenissejischen Proto-Kultur. Ein Rezensionsartikel  240

Mario Schmidt: Tauschsphären und Monetarisierungsprozesse. Überlegungen zur Ökonomie der Tiv 245

Peter Simonič: The Scope of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Protected Areas. Pohorje Regional Park, Slovenia 248

Zbigniew Łagosz: Mariavites and the Occult. A Search for the Truth 256

Ulrich van Loyen: Krise und Kritik. Zwei Neuerscheinungen zur existenzialistischen Religionsethnologie Ernesto de Martinos. Ein Rezensionsartikel  266

Ewa Kocój: European Representations of Others. Reflecting on the “Us and Them. An Intricate History of Otherness” Exhibition and Book  273
Monique Sicard: Entretien avec Monique Sicard . 277

Dheerendra Singh: Humanizing Anthropology. Sach-chidananda (1926–2012) and His Contribution to Tribal Studies . 285

Ilsemargret Luttmann: Nollywood als Ausdruck eines kulturellen Heilungsprozesses? Eine kritische Analyse des Oralitätsbegriffs im Kontext nigerianischer homevideos von Nkechinyere Mbakwe. Ein Rezensionsartikel . 287

Book Reviews

Andersson Trovalla, Ulrika: Medicine for  certain Futures. A Nigerian City in the Wake of a Crisis (Adam Higazi) . 295

Antweiler, Christoph: Mensch und Weltkultur. Für einen realistischen Kosmopolitismus im Zeitalter der Globalisierung (Peter Schröder)  296

Ayora-Diaz, Steffan Igor: Foodscapes, Foodfields, and Identities in Yucatán (Catherine J. Letcher Lazo) . 298

Barruchi y Arana, Joaquín: Relación del festejo que a los Marqueses de las Amarillas les hicieron las Señoras Religiosas del Convento de San Jerónimo (México, 1756) (Brigitte Wiesenbauer)  299

Behrend, Heike: Resurrecting Cannibals. The Catholic Church, Witch-Hunts, and the Production of Pagans in Western Uganda (Florence Bernault)  300

Berg, Manfred, and Simon Wendt (eds.): Racism in the Modern World. Historical Perspectives on Cultural Transfer and Adaptation (John Solomos) . 301

Bianquis, Isabelle: L’alcool. Anthropologie d’un objetfrontière (Pierre Erny)  302

Biesele, Megan, and Robert K. Hitchcock: The Ju/’hoan San of Nyae Nyae and Namibian Independence. Development, Democracy, and Indigenous Voices in Southern Africa (Wayne A. Babchuk) . 303

Chesnut, R. Andrew: Devoted to Death. Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint (Chris Garces) . 304

Danforth, Loring M., and Riki Van Boeschoten: Children of the Greek Civil War. Refugees and the Politics of Memory (Charles Stewart)  305

Deliss, Clémentine (Hrsg.): Objekt Atlas. Feldforschung im Museum (Holger Jebens) . 306

Fischer, Anja: Sprechkunst der Tuareg. Interaktion und Soziabilität bei Saharanomaden (Ines Kohl) . 309

Fleischhack, Julia, und Kathrin Rottmann (Hrsg.): Störungen. Medien – Prozesse – Körper (Urte Undine Frömming)  310

Formoso, Bernard: L’identité reconsidérée. Des mécanismes de base de l’identité à ses formes d’expression les plus actuelles (Pierre Erny)  312

Freed, Stanley A.: Anthropology Unmasked. Museums, Science, and Politics in New York City. Vol. 1: The Putnam-Boas Era. Vol. 2: The Wissler Years (Wolfgang Marschall)  312

Geertz, Armin W., and Jeppe Sinding Jensen (eds.): Religious Narrative, Cognition, and Culture. Image and Word in the Mind of Narrative (István Czachesz) . 314

Geismar, Haidy, and Anita Herle: Moving Images. John Layard, Fieldwork and Photography on Malakula since 1914 (Chris Ballard) . 316

Gellner, David N. (ed.): Varieties of Activist Experience. Civil Society in South Asia (John Harriss)  317

Gokalp, Altan: Têtes rouges et bouches noires et autres écrits (Laila Prager)  318

Golte, Jürgen, y Ramón Pajuelo (eds.): Universos de memoria. Aproximación a los retablos de Edilberto Jiménez sobre la violencia política (Pablo F. Sendón) . 319

Grandia, Liza: Enclosed. Conservation, Cattle, and Commerce among the Q’eqchi’ Maya Lowlanders (Hilary E. Kahn)  321

Guth, Suzie: Robert E. Park. Itinéraire sociologique de Red Wing à Chicago (Pierre Erny)  322

Hahn, Hans Peter, Karlheinz Cless, and Jens Soentgen (eds.): People at The Well. Kinds, Usages, and Meanings of Water in a Global Perspective (Veronica Strang) . 323

Haller, Dieter: Die Suche nach dem Fremden. Geschichte der Ethnologie in der Bundesrepublik 1945–1990 (Uli Linke) . 324

Herman, Marilyn: Gondar’s Child. Songs, Honor, and Identity among Ethiopian Jews in Israel (Sarah Hankins) . 325

Hesselink, Nathan: SamulNori. Contemporary Korean Drumming and the Rebirth of Itinerant Performance Culture (Simon Mills) . 326

Hoffstaedter, Gerhard: Modern Muslim Identities. Negotiating Religion and Ethnicity in Malaysia (Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid)  328

Jindra, Michael, and Joël Noret (eds.): Funerals in Africa. Explorations of a Social Phenomenon (Godula Ko-sack)  329

Kaplanian, Patrick: Mythes grecs d’origine. Vol. 1: Prométhée et Pandore (Karin Mackowiak) . 331

Karlsson, Kim, Anna Schmid, and Martina Wernsdörfer (eds.): On Stage. The Art of Beijing Opera (Megan Evans)  332

Körling, Gabriella: In Search of the State. An Ethnography of Public Service Provision in Urban Niger (Mirco Göpfert)  333

Larsson, Göran: Muslims and the New Media. Historical and Contemporary Debates (Edwin P. Wieringa)  335

Lavenda, Robert H., and Emily A. Schultz: Anthropology. What Does It Mean to Be Human? (Alan Barnard)  335

Lentz, Carola, und Godwin Kornes (Hrsg.): Staatsinszenierung, Erinnerungsmarathon und Volksfest. Afrika feiert 50 Jahre Unabhängigkeit (Michael Pesek) . 336

López de Mariscal, Blanca, y Abraham Madroñal (eds.), Fray Diego de Ocaña. Viaje por el Nuevo Mundo: De Guadalupe a Potosí, 1599–1605 (Kenneth Mills)  338

Massard-Vincent, Josiane, Sylvaine Camelin et Christine Jungen (coord.): Portraits. Esquisses anthropographiques (Pierre Erny) . 339

Mesoudi, Alex: Cultural Evolution. How Darwinian Theory Can Explain Human Culture and Synthesize the Social Sciences (Thomas E. Currie) . 339

Mink, Dorothea (ed.): Fashion – Out of Order. Disruption as a Principle (Ilsemargret Luttmann)  340

Mückler, Hermann: Kolonialismus in Ozeanien (Rainer F. Buschmann) . 343

Müller-Wille, Ludger, and Bernd Gieseking: Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island through German Eyes. Wilhelm Weike’s Arctic Journal and Letters (1883–84) (Susan Rowley)  344

Neonbasu, Gregor: We Seek Our Roots. Oral Tradition in Biboki, West Timor (Hermann Mückler). 344

Obi Oguejiofor, Josephat, and Tobias Wendl (eds.): Exploring the Occult and Paranormal in West Africa (Jane Parish)  346 Olúpọ`nà, Jacob K.: City of 201 Gods. Ilé-Ifẹ̀ in Time, Space, and the Imagination (Dierk Lange)  347

Parsons, Ross: Growing Up With HIV in Zimbabwe. One Day This Will All Be Over (Alexander Rödlach) . 349

Perullo, Alex: Live from Dar es Salaam. Popular Music and Tanzania’s Music Economy (Wolfgang Bender)  351

Picard, Michel, and Rémy Madinier (eds.): The Politics of Religion in Indonesia. Syncretism, Orthodoxy, and Religious Contention in Java and Bali (Martin Ramstedt) . 353

Porter, Venetia (ed.): Hajj. Journey to the Heart of Islam (Edwin P. Wieringa)  355 Postill, John: Localizing the Internet. An Anthropological Account (Frederik Holst) . 356

Robins, Nicholas A.: Mercury, Mining, and Empire. The Human and Ecological Cost of Colonial Silver Mining in the Andes (Guillermo Salas Carreño)  357

Salomon, Frank, and Mercedes Niño-Murcia: The Lettered Mountain. A Peruvian Village’s Way with Writing (Esben Leifsen)  358

Santasombat, Yos: The River of Life. Changing Ecosystems of the Mekong Region (Ian G. Baird)  360

Schindlbeck, Markus: Gefunden und verloren. Arthur Speyer, die dreißiger Jahre und die Verluste der Sammlung Südsee des Ethnologischen Museums Berlin (Hilke Thode-Arora) . 361

Schlee, Günther, and Abdullahi A. Shongolo: Islam and Ethnicity in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia (Dena Freeman) . 364

Singh, Pashaura (ed.): Sikhism in Global Context (Oth¬mar Gächter)  364

Six, Clemens: Spectacular Politics. Performative Nation-Building and Religion in Modern India (Mathew N. Schmalz) . 366

Staemmler, Birgit, and Ulrich Dehn (eds.): Establishing the Revolutionary. An Introduction to New Religions in Japan (Daniel A. Métraux) . 367

Strong, Mary: Art, Nature, and Religion in the Central Andes. Themes and Variations from Prehistory to the Present (Juan Javier Rivera Andía)  368

Symbolon. Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Symbolforschung. Neue Folge, Vol. 18 (Harald Grauer)  370

Teeter, Emily: Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt (Kasia Szpakowska)  370
Tinker, Keith L.: The Migration of Peoples from the Caribbean to the Bahamas (Laurence Brown)  372
Van Heekeren, Deborah: The Shark Warrior of Alewai. A Phenomenology of Melanesian Identity (Naomi M. McPherson) . 372
Witschey, Walter R. T., and Clifford T. Brown: Historical Dictionary of Mesoamerica (Brigitte Wiesenbauer)  374
Wolfradt, Uwe: Ethnologie und Psychologie. Die Leipziger Schule der Völkerpsychologie (Harald Grauer)  375

Yarrow, Henry Crecy: Indianische Totenriten. North American Indian Burial Customs (Dagmar Siebelt) . 376

March 2013

