Piotr Adamek: Obituary. Roman Malek, SVD (1951-2019), 181-184
Thomas Bargatzky: Chichicastenango. Über Ethnografie und spirituelle Erfahrungen, und warum wir sie nicht abtun sollten: Ein Rezensionsartikel, 184-188
Han F. Vermeulen: Anthropology and Ethnology in Europe Today. Review Essay, 188-192
Akafou, Joёl: Vivre riche. (Film-documentaire) (Ilsemargret Luttmann), 193
Angé, Olivia: Barter and Social Regeneration in the Argentinean Andes (Corinna Howland), 194
Babb, Florence E.: Women’s Place in the Andes. Engaging Decolonial Feminist Anthropology (Cecilie Vindal Ødegaard), 196
Bachmann-Geiser, Brigitte: Geschichte der Schweizer Volksmusik (Yannick Wey, Andrea Kammermann), 197
Bojunga, Claudio: Roquette-Pinto. O corpo a corpo com o Brasil (Peter Schröder), 198
Bradley, Francis R.: Forging Islamic Power and Place. The Legacy of Shaykh Dā’ūd bin ‘Abd Allāh al-Faṭānī in Mecca and Southeast Asia (E. P. Wieringa), 199
Burke, Paul: An Australian Indigenous Diaspora. Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning of Tradition (Barbara Glowczewski), 200
Caro Sánchez, Hortensia: El subversivo principio femenino. Pombagira en los cultos populares brasileños (Diego Villar), 201
Cartographica Helvetica [Missionskartographie]. Fachzeitschrift für Kartengeschichte; Nr. 58 (Harald Grauer), 203
Causey, Andrew: Drawn to See. Drawing as an Ethnographic Method (Kathrin Klohs), 204
Di Giminiani, Piergiorgio: Sentient Lands. Indigeneity, Property, and Political Imagination in Neoliberal Chile (Juan Javier Rivera Andía), 205
Dick, Hilary Parsons: Words of Passage. National Longing and the Imagined Lives of Mexican Migrants (Rihan Yeh), 207
Diel, Lori Boornazian: The Codex Mexicanus. A Guide to Life in Late Sixteenth-Century New Spain (Daniel Grana-Behrens), 208
Dupré, Wilhelm: Paul J. Schebesta mit Briefen aus dem Urwald (Harald Grauer), 209
Dürr, Eveline, und Henry Kammler (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Ethnologie Mesoamerikas. Ein Handbuch zu den indigenen Kulturen (Ingrid Kreide-Damani), 211
Ebihara, May Mayko: Svay. A Khmer Village in Cambodia (Sina Emde), 213
Eriksen, Annelin, Ruy Llera Blanes, and Michelle MacCarthy: Going to Pentecost. An Experimental Approach to Studies in Pentecostalism (Michael Wilkinson), 214
Ette, Ottmar, and Julia Maier: Alexander von Humboldt. The Complete Drawings from the American Travel Diaries (Daniel Grana-Behrens), 215
Förderer, Gabriele: Koloniale Grüße aus Samoa. Eine Diskursanalyse von deutschen, englischen und US-amerikanischen Reisebeschreibungen aus Samoa von 1860–1916 (Julius Riese), 216
Frings-Merck, Ute: Zwischen Białystok und Berlin-Westend. Eine ethnografische Studie zu den Begegnungen von Polinnen und Deutschen in informellen Hausarbeitsverhältnissen (Uta Karrer, Harald Grauer), 218
Frost, Nicola, and Tom Selwyn (eds.): Travelling towards Home. Mobilities and Homemaking (Éva Rozália Hölzle), 220
Greifeld, Katarina, Wolfgang Krahl, Hans Jochen Diesfeld und Hannes Stubbe (Hrsg.): Grenzgänge zwischen Ethnologie, Medizin und Psychologie. Für Ekkehard Schröder zum 75. Geburtstag (Alexander Rödlach), 221
Hagberg, Sten, Ludovic O. Kibora et Gabriella Körling (dir.): Démocratie par le bas et politique municipale au Sahel (Christian Bouquet), 223
Henfrey, Thomas: Edges, Fringes, Frontiers. Integral Ecology, Indigenous Knowledge, and Sustainability in Guyana (Courtney Stafford-Walter), 225
Hetherington, Kregg (ed.): Infrastructure, Environment, and Life in the Anthropocene (Melanie Ford), 226
Hu, Chia-yu, and Niki Alsford: Local Aesthetics with Foreign Perceptions. The Taiwan Collections Housed at the British Museum (Berthold Riese), 228
Ingold, Tim: Anthropology. Why It Matters (Greca N. Meloni), 228
Ives, Sarah: Steeped in Heritage. The Racial Politics of South African Rooibos Tea (Femke Brandt), 229
Jung, Yuson: Balkan Blues. Consumer Politics after State Socialism (Zofia Boni), 230
Kasprycki, Sylvia S.: Five Years in America. The Menominee Collection of Antoine Marie Gachet (Amy V. Margaris), 231
Kasten, Erich (ed.): Jochelson, Bogoras and Shternberg. A Scientific Exploration of Northeastern Siberia and the Shaping of Soviet Ethnography (Roland Cvetkovski), 232
Knepper, Gert M.: Floresmens. Het leven van Theo Verhoeven, missionaris en archeoloog (Karel Steenbrink), 233
Kohl, Frank Stephan, und Gregor Wolff (Hrsg.): Teobert Maler. Historische Fotografien aus Mexiko und Guatemala (Berthold Riese), 235
Kristensen, Dorthe Brogård: Patients, Doctors, and Healers. Medical Worlds among the Mapuche in Southern Chile (Adelaida Barros Cajdler), 236
Lambertz, Peter: Seekers and Things. Spiritual Movements and Aesthetic Difference in Kinshasa (Frédérique Louveau), 237
Laruelle, Marlene (ed.): Being Muslim in Central Asia. Practices, Politics, and Identities (Maria Louw), 239
Loftsdóttir, Kristín, Andrea L. Smith, and Brigitte Hipfl (eds.): Messy Europe. Crisis, Race, and Nation-State in a Postcolonial World (Mante Vertelyte), 240
Looper, Matthew: The Beast Between. Deer in Maya Art and Culture (H. E. M. Braakhuis), 242
Martins, Rosana, and Massimo Canevacci (eds.): Lusophone Hip-Hop. “Who We Are” and “Where We Are”. Identity, Urban Culture, and Belonging (Bart Vanspauwen), 243
Masquelier, Adeline: Fada. Boredom and Belonging in Niger (Scott Youngstedt), 244
Matory, James Lorand: The Fetish Revisited. Marx, Freud, and the Gods Black People Make (Benedikt Pontzen), 246
McGranahan, Carole, and John F. Collins (eds.): Ethnographies of U.S. Empire (Pascal Henke), 247
Millar, Kathleen M.: Reclaiming the Discarded. Life and Labor on Rio’s Garbage Dump (Margit Ystanes), 249
Moreman, Christopher M. (ed.): The Routledge Companion to Death and Dying (Harald Grauer), 250
Mosko, Mark S.: Ways of Baloma. Rethinking Magic and Kinship from the Trobriands (Borut Telban), 252
Ngawa Mbaho, Carline Liliane: La vente de produits de santé dans les cars interurbains au Cameroun. Une analyse interactionnelle (Fadimatou Mounsade), 253
Nobis, Adam: A Short Guide to the New Silk Road (Harald Grauer), 254
O’Neil, Robert J.: Born under the Gun. A History of Kamerun, WWI, Christian Missions, and the Internment Camps of Fernando Po (George N. Njung), 255
Onken, Hinnerk: Ambivalente Bilder. Fotografien und Bildpostkarten aus Südamerika im Deutschen Reich (1880–1930) (Michael Kraus), 256
Pandian, Anand, and Stuart McLean (eds.): Crumpled Paper Boat. Experiments in Ethnographic Writing (Markus Schleiter), 258
Parmentier, Richard J.: Signs and Society. Further Studies in Semiotic Anthropology (Robert Yelle), 260
Reyels, Lili, Paola Ivanov und Kristin Weber-Sinn (Hrsg.): Humboldt LAB Tanzania. Objekte aus den Kolonialkriegen im Ethnologischen Museum, Berlin – Ein tansanisch-deutscher Dialog (Christian Jarling), 261
Ritterband, Salomé: Tracking Indigenous Heritage. Ju/’Hoansi San Learning, Interpreting, and Staging Tradition for a Sustainable Future in Cultural Tourism in the Tsumkwe District of Namibia (Jennifer Hays), 263
Rivinus, Karl Josef: Andreas Amrhein OSB und die Anfänge der Benediktinermission in Ostafrika (Christine Egger), 264
Rooney, Michelle Nayahamui: Nogat Mani. Social Safety Nets for Tufi Migrants of ATS Settlement, Moresby, Papua New Guinea (Roland Seib), 265
Rüegg, François (Hrsg./éd.): Ethnographie und Mission. Georg Höltker und Neuguinea. Beiträge zum Workshop an der Universität Fribourg, Oktober 2016 / Ethnographie et Mission. Georg Höltker et la Nouvelle-Guinée. Actes du Colloque tenue à l’Université de Fribourg en octobre 2016 (Claudia Hoffmann), 267
Salamone, Frank A., and Marjorie M. Snipes (eds.): The Intellectual Legacy of Victor and Edith Turner (Peter J. Bräunlein), 268
Salazar, Noel B.: Momentous Mobilities. Anthropological Musings on the Meanings of Travel (Safet Hadži Muhamedović), 270
Schefold, Reimar: Toys for the Souls. Life and Art on the Mentawai Islands (Wolfgang Marschall), 271
Schiller, Naomi: Channeling the State. Community Media and Popular Politics in Venezuela (Gabriel Hetland), 274
Schröder, Peter: Os índios Xipaya. Cultura e língua. Textos de Curt Nimuendajú (Hannes Stubbe), 275
Shaw, R. Daniel, and William R. Burrows (eds.): Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship. Dangerous Syncretism or Necessary Hybridity? (María Susana Cipolletti), 276
Shepherd, Christopher J.: Haunted Houses and Ghostly Encounters. Ethnography and Animism in East Timor 1860–1975 (Andrew McWilliam), 278
Tacier-Eugster, Heidi: Das Museum Rietberg Zürich und Elsy Leuzinger. Vom Sehen und Wissen (Paola von Wyss-Giacosa), 279
Thelen, Tatjana, and Erdmute Alber (eds.): Reconnecting State and Kinship (Andre Thiemann), 281
Urciuoli, Bonnie (ed.): The Experience of Neoliberal Education (Kathrin Klohs), 282
Walravens, Hartmut: Johann Redowskys Reise von Irkutsk nach Kamtschatka (1806–1807) im Auftrag der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Das wissenschaftliche Tagebuch des Forschers – Botanik – Geologie – Ethnographie der Jakuten und Tungusen (Kristina Küntzel-Witt), 283
Watts, James W.: How and Why Books Matter. Essays on the Social Function of Iconic Texts (Dorina Miller Parmenter), 284
Watts, James W. (ed.): Sensing Sacred Texts (Jon Skarpeid), 285
Were, Graeme: How Materials Matter. Design, Innovation, and Materiality in the Pacific (Anna-Karina Hermkens), 286
Erratum, 288
June 2020