
Reports and Comments

James Andrew Whitaker: In Search of the Soul in Amazonia 201 – 205
M. Azam Chaudhary: Social Welfare Functions of the Shrine of Bari Imam. How the Shrine Nationalization Policy Backfired 205 – 2013
Christer Lindberg: French-Swedish-American Crossroads. Alfred Métraux, Erland Nordenskiöld, and the Gothenburg School of Ethnography 214 – 224
Georg W. Oesterdiekhoff: Magical Causation of Death in Archaic Societies. Cultural Anthropology in the Light of the Cognitive-Developmental Approach, Exemplified by the Scrutiny of Causes and Consequences of the Mystical Interpretation of the Death 224 – 238

Book Reviews

Brulotte, Ronda L., and Michael A. Di Giovine (eds.): Edible Identities. Food as Cultural Heritage (Sebastian Schellhaas) 239
Bull, Michael, and Jon P. Mitchell (eds.): Ritual, Performance, and the Senses (Bruno Reinhardt) 241
Callison, Candis: How Climate Change Comes to Matter. The Communal Life of Facts (Elizabeth Marino) 242
Casajus, Dominique: L’alphabet touareg. Histoire d’un vieil alphabet africain (Lameen Souag) 243
Desclaux, Alice, et Marc Egrot (dir.) : Anthropologie du médicament au Sud. La pharmaceuticalisation a ses marges (Fadimatou Mounsade Kpoundia) 244
Descola, Philippe: La composition des mondes. Entretien avec Pierre Charbonnier (Juan Javier Rivera Andía) 247
Descola, Philippe, et Tim Ingold: Etre au monde. Quelle expérience commune? (Juan Javier Rivera Andía) 248
Etges, Andreas, Viola König, Rainer Hatoum, and Tina Brüderlin (eds.): Northwest Coast Representations. New Perspectives on History, Art, and Encounters (Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse) 250
Fabietti, Ugo E. M.: Materia sacra. Corpi, oggetti, immagini, feticci nella pratica religiosa (Ulrich van Loyen) 251
Fernando, Mayanthi L.: The Republic Unsettled. Muslim French and the Contradictions of Secularism (Jennifer Fredette) 253
Frembgen, Jürgen Wasim: The Closed Valley. With Fierce Friends in the Pakistani Himalayas (Stephen M. Lyon) 254
Geissler, P. Wenzel (ed.): Para-States and Medical Science. Making African Global Health (Cortney Hughes Rinker) 255
Gifford, Paul: Christianity, Development, and Modernity in Africa (Emma Wild-Wood) 256
Hazan, Haim: Against Hybridity. Social Impasses in a Globalizing World (Jan Nederveen Pieterse) 258
Heppell, Michael: The Seductive Warp Thread. An Evolutionary History of Ibanic Weaving (Goro Hasegawa) 260
Hill, Thomas W.: Native American Drinking. Life Styles, Alcohol Use, Drunken Comportment, and the Peyote Religion (Roland S. Moore) 261
Hine, Christine: Ethnography for the Internet. Embedded, Embodied, and Everyday (Natalie Underberg-Goode) 262
Hinton, Devon E., and Alexander L. Hinton (eds.): Genocide and Mass Violence. Memory, Symptom, and Recovery (Caryn E. Tegtmeyer) 263
Honychurch, Lennox: Negre Mawon. The Fighting Maroons of Dominica (María Susana Cipolletti) 264
Inhorn, Marcia C., Wendy Chavkin, and José-Alberto Navarro (eds.): Globalized Fatherhood (Peter B. Gray) 266
Kaplan, Robert D.: Asia’s Cauldron. The South China Sea and the End of a Stable Pacific (Hermann Mückler) 267
Kitcher, Philip: Life after Faith. The Case for Secular Humanism (Andrzej Bronk) 269
Kohn, Eduardo: How Forests Think. Toward an Anthropology beyond the Human (Tod D. Swanson) 271
Kowal, Emma: Trapped in the Gap. Doing Good in Indigenous Australia (Catriona Elder) 273
Laksana, Albertus Bagus: Muslim and Catholic Pilgrimage Practices. Explorations through Java (E. P. Wieringa) 274
Laugrand, Frédéric, and Jarich Oosten: Hunters, Predators, and Prey. Inuit Perceptions of Animals (Peter Collings)275
Leithner, Jutta: Architektur und “Bauen in Entwicklungsländern”. Eine anthropologische Analyse der österreichischen Architekturszene (Rafaela Mückler-Liendl) 276
Loosen, Livia: Deutsche Frauen in den Südsee-Kolonien des Kaiserreichs. Alltag und Beziehungen zur indigenen Bevölkerung, 1884–1919 (Dominik Schieder) 277
Lorenzetti, Tiziana: Understanding the Hindu Temple. History, Symbols, and Forms (Samuel Parker) 278
Marten, Michael, and Katja Neumann (eds.): Saints and Cultural Trans-/Mission (Harald Grauer)280
Marx, Tobias: Zigeunerkulturen im Wandel. Über Roma-/ Zigeunereliten in Bulgarien und Mazedonien (David Z. Scheffel) 281
Matthews, Peter J.: On the Trail of Taro. An Exploration of Natural and Cultural History (Ilaria Grimaldi) 281
Milner, Murray, Jr.: Elites. A General Model (Tijo Salverda) 282
Nájera, Jennifer R.: The Borderlands of Race. Mexican Segregation in a South Texas Town (Monica Perales) 284
Narayanan, Yamini: Religion, Heritage, and the Sustainable City. Hinduism and Urbanisation in Jaipur (Othmar Gächter)285
Nikolić, Mona: Identität in der Küche. Kulturelle Globalisierung und regionale Traditionen in Costa Rica (Maria Dabringer) 286
Offutt, Stephen: New Centers of Global Evangelicalism in Latin America and Africa (Edwin Zehner) 288
Pattullo, Polly (ed.): Your Time Is Done Now. Slavery, Resistance, and Defeat. The Maroon Trials of Dominica (1813–1814) (María Susana Cipolletti) 264
Perrin, Michel: Visions Huichol. Un art amérindien du Mexique (Johannes Neurath)289
Plancke, Carine : Flux, rencontres et émergences affectives. Pratiques chantées et dansées chez les Punu du Congo-Brazzaville (Rémy Jadinon) 289
Quirós, Seberino Bernardo de: Arte y vocabulario del idioma huasteco (1711). Edición crítica con anotaciones filológicas de Bernhard Hurch (Claus Deimel) 291 Rappaport, Joanne, and Tom Cummins: Beyond the Lettered City. Indigenous Literacies in the Andes (Alan Durston) 292
Russell, Andrew, and Elizabeth Rahman (eds.): The Master Plant. Tobacco in Lowland South America (Marc Lenaerts) 293
Sansi, Roger: Art, Anthropology, and the Gift (Anna Laine) 294
Santos-Stubbe, Chirly dos, und Hannes Stubbe: Kleines Lexikon der Afrobrasilianistik. Eine Einführung mit Bibliografie (Ekkehard Schröder) 295
Seki, Yuji (ed.): El Centro Ceremonial Andino. Nuevas Perspectivas para los Períodos Arcaico y Formativo (Christian Mesía Montenegro) 295
Shimada, Izumi (ed.): The Inka Empire. A Multidisciplinary Approach (Kerstin Nowack) 297
Sogawa Tsuneo: Japanese Martial Arts and Far Eastern Thought (Nihon Budō to Tōyō Shisō) (Peter Knecht) 299
Sooudi, Olga Kanzaki: Japanese New York. Migrant Artists and Self-Reinvention on the World Stage (Sawa Kurotani) 301
Stépanoff, Charles : Chamanisme, rituel et cognition. Chez les Touvas de Sibérie du Sud (Anne de Sales) 302
Sundberg, Molly: Training for Model Citizenship. An Ethnography of Civic Education and State-Making in Rwanda (Susan Thomson) 303
Treiber, Magnus, Nicolas Grießmeier und Christian Heider (Hrsg.): Ethnologie und Soziale Arbeit. Fremde Disziplinen, gemeinsame Fragen? (Alexander Kellner). 304
Vail, Gabrielle, and Christine Hernández: Re-Creating Primordial Time. Foundation Rituals and Mythology in the Postclassic Maya Codices (Erik Boot) 306
Vermeulen, Han F.: Before Boas. The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment (Daniel Grana-Behrens)308
Volper, Julien (ed.): Giant Masks from the Congo. A Belgian Jesuit Ethnographic Heritage (Jan-Lodewijk Grootaers) 310
Welch, James R., Ricardo Ventura Santos, Nancy M. Flowers e Carlos E. A. Coimbra Jr.: Na primeira margem do rio. Território e ecologia do povo Xavante de Wedezé (Peter Schröder) 311
Wilkinson-Weber, Clare M.: Fashioning Bollywood. The Making and Meaning of Hindu Film Costume (Bernhard Fuchs) 312
Willford, Andrew C.: Tamils and the Haunting of Justice. History and Recognition in Malaysia’s Plantations (Alberto Gomes) 313

June 2016

